View Our Upcoming Workshops

We have identified the best offline and online workshops that will assist people in honing their innate talents and aptitudes and moving forward into a successful era. Enroll in our next workshop to benefit from top-notch instruction. Enroll today!


The free-of-cost Acadbuddy’s web development workshop will teach you everything from scratch to help you clear your basics. This workshop will cover topics like HTML, CSS, Javascript, web security, etc. to build your websites and web applications. This programme will teach you how a website is stored on the server and accessed by different users using a web browser. Enrol now and develop your first website today.

Learning modules

  • Introduction to Web Development
  • HTML Fundamentals
  • CSS Fundamentals
  • JavaScript Essentials
  • Front-End Frameworks
  • Back-End Development
  • Server-Side Frameworks
  • Web Security
  • Web Performance Optimization
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Web Accessibility

Perks of Choosing acadbuddy workshop

1. This workshop is meant to be free of cost to give you a brief idea about the relevance of websites in everyday life.

2. The workshop will be conducted live and online to make learning easier and fun.

3. Our quiz will not only brainstorm your brain but will also aid in winning prizes

4. Our certificates are industry-recognised and can help you uplift your Resume.

5. This workshop will work like a one-to-one mentorship session to give you an idea about the career opportunities in the web developer space.

Tools you will learn

Chrome Developer Tools: Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. These tools let you inspect the rendered HTML (DOM) and network activity of your pages. You can use DevTools to troubleshoot ad serving issues.

Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code, also commonly referred to as VS Code, is a source-code editor made by Microsoft with the Electron Framework, for Windows, Linux and macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.

Placement assistance

Based on your active participation in our workshop, our mentor might recommend you to explore the careers professionally by experiencing live projects.

Career Opportunities

1. Web developer:
They design and build websites and web applications. Web developers earn an average salary of $77,099 per year

2. Full stack developer:
Full-stack developers develop both the frontend and backend of websites, especially e-commerce websites. They earn an average salary of $108,769 per year

3. Web development manager:
Web development managers oversee web development teams and ensure the process is completed within time. They earn an average salary of $98,768 per year

What we have to offers

1. Attend a free and live online workshop from the convenience of your home.

2. Session conducted by our in-house instructor to give you an insight into the career prospects and the summary of the course offered.

3. Providing mindful quizzes and giving exciting rewards to the winners.

4. Subject-related doubt clearing and mastering session to help you out with understanding basics during the workshop.

5. Industry-recognised Certificate of attendance offered to you by our reputed organization.

Live Projects & Case Studies

Acadbuddy will help you have hands-on experience by providing case studies and live projects during the session to give you a brief idea about real-life situations in website development

Quiz & Win

Quizzes and prizes are our perks. Therefore, we offer you a variety of quizzes to help you gather queries and help students encounter a new way of learning. Winning prizes right after you ace the quiz is another slice that can be sent to you by the end of your workshop.

Test your learning.

  • You will get an opportunity to test your skills with our surprise module where you will have an idea about ticking our learning outcome list.

What Our Buddy Says

Sample Certificate

1 attendee is bound to receive a certificate of excellence provided they cleared the skill test and completed the case studies. However, all the attendees will receive a certificate of completion. The certificate is industry recognized and has been a resume builder and an upskilling proof of our workshops and courses. Acadbuddy’s certificates are Corporate-oriented and help you judge your skills and knowledge.


What if I have a doubt in the middle of the session?
We will have a chit-chat round during the session to discuss various doubts and queries.
Will we get live projects?
Live projects come under the fully-fledged course and not the workshop.
What are the benefits of the workshop?
1. You will get a chance to interact and network with our professional coach who can help you build a matrix in the industry. 2. You will get a chance to stay up to date with the trends and automation in network security. 3. This workshop is determined to test your critical thinking with a special impact on problem-solving skills
What happens if I enroll in the workshop and can’t attend?
We can get you enrolled in the next batch of workshops whenever applicable.
Is the course completely practical or theoretical based?
The course is 90% practical-based and 10% theoretical-based.
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